News Release: Gomberg to Give Lastman a Compost Bin

Toronto – (October 8, 2000) 

On Sunday Oct. 8, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tooker Gomberg and campaign volunteers will install a compost bin at the Lastman residence.

“Mr. Lastman wants to dump our garbage in someone else’s backyard. The Northerners have made it crystal clear that they don’t want it, and they will fight us tooth and nail if the Adams Mine option proceeds. Instead of dumping our ‘garbage’ in someone else’s backyard, Mr. Lastman should dump it in his own backyard.”

“Garbage is just resources in the wrong place. If Mr. Lastman used a compost bin, and recycled, his ‘garbage problem’ would disappear. From what he said during the council meeting on Friday, it sounds like he needs a compost bin.

” While a City Councillor in Edmonton in 1993, Gomberg led the charge against an administration proposal to build a new garbage dump, and for large scale composting. Edmonton now recycles or composts 70% of its residential waste, and attracts international attention for its innovation.

“I am awed by the possibilities for Toronto” said Gomberg. “If Mr. Lastman would read, and release, the secret report prepared for Enwave (formerly the Toronto District Heating Corporation) we would all realize the tremendous opportunity we have to turn our garbage into biogas, aka natural gas, and compost. Such digesting, instead of dumping of the ‘garbage’ would leave a shining legacy to our grandchildren. Why not?”

In thanksgiving to the bounty of the earth, the campaign will also bring a load of compost (formerly smelly, rotten kitchen scraps and grass clippings) to fertilize Mr. Lastman’s lawn, and trees.