Toronto – (November 12, 2000)
At 1 p.m. today, by the Henry Moore sculpture “The Archer” by the front doors of City Hall, Mayoralty candidate Tooker Gomberg will take aim at the “Toronto Target”.
“In 1988 Toronto hosted a major international climate conference. What came out of that gathering was the Toronto Target, a commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (20% by the year 2005), stabilize the world’s climate system, and avert a global climate catastrophe.”
“Tomorrow is election day, but it is also the day that world leaders gather in the Hague to discuss how to avert a climate catastrophe. For twenty years I have been exploring the answers to that question. As Mayor I will champion an innovative and aggressive program to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
At today’s news conference Gomberg will give away energy saving light bulbs, thereby helping citizens save money and protect life on earth. “Every one of these $25 lightbulbs installed will save $45 in avoided electricity bills, and 1000 pounds of coal from being burned.”
Gomberg will also unveil his goal of ensuring that the City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro pioneer, over the course of Mayor Gomberg’s first term, the installation of 10,000 solar units, either for hot water or electricity generation. “We have the technology to avoid global climate catastrophe and protect our air. So what are we waiting for?”
The Gomberg for Mayor campaign continues to receive significant endorsements. Canadian writer and icon Farley Mowat has signed on, as has former MPP Ruth Grier. Clayton Ruby, one of Canada’s foremost lawyers, had this to say: “Mel doesn’t talk about any of the things I care about. Tooker does.”