Toronto – (October 31, 2000)
At 11 a.m. today, at Ossington Old Orchard Public School (380 Ossington – south of College) Candidate Gomberg will release the campaign platform plank on policing entitled: Target Policing: Trick or Treat?
Gomberg will outline his pledge to increasing neighbourhood safety, while ensuring that less powerful citizens are not discriminated against by authority.
Gomberg, as usual, will use props to illustrate his views. He will also touch on the police helicopter debate, and will address the scandal of police endorsement of municipal candidates.
The Great Mayoralty Debate
A major mayoralty debate has been scheduled for Monday, Nov. 6, from 7 to 9 p.m. at U of T Convocation Hall (capacity: 1700). It is being organized by the Students Administrative Council and numerous other student groups. Gomberg has gladly agreed to attend.
“The voters are keen to find out more about the alternative to Mr. Lastman. From the response we’re getting to our website, and the extensive leaflet distribution on the street and in neighbourhoods, people are keen to learn what our campaign has to offer if I am elected to the city’s top job.”
400,000 Strong, and the Hits Just Keep on Coming!
The website is well on its way to reaching a million hits by election day, having just passed the 400,000 mark. “We are thrilled with the interest shown to our site. People are realizing that they do have a choice for Mayor on election day. The net has allowed us to reach citizens and share a vision of a healthy city. And while some in the media maintain there will be a coronation, it appears that the people are keen to exercise their democratic right, and learn more about the choices they do have.”